Druid Notes
The skill 'herb gathering' can find one of four types of herbs used for various healing
The dryad from the spell 'call for dryad' stuns and hits slightly better than a familiar from the wolfhide bag
The skill 'find herbs' can several of the seven different kinds of herbs used in making potions
A player can drink one of the warrior potions or the rogue potions and one of the priest potions or mage potions at a time
You are given a secondary non-mastery guild focus crystal item when you join Adept Of The Stones
Your focus crystal is what powers the spells 'gem blast' and 'gem flash'
The max power crystal that can be created is a shining purple power crystal
It takes about thirty 1,000 valued gems to make a shining purple power crystal
It takes about ten maxed power crystals to max a new focus crystal
The spell 'merge power crystals' will use up all the power crystals in your inventory, regardless if they are needed to increase your focus crystal size
The spell 'purifying drizzle' requires clouds to be present in the room
The spell 'purifying drizzle' removes almost every single protection from all room occupants
The spell 'gem blast' deals two different types of damage with each cast
The spell 'regrowth' will heal players in the room, as well as monsters
You can have up to one major level familiar and one minor level familiar from the animal tamer guild:
Major level familiars - bear, eagle, one wolf, or two wolves
Minor level familiars - falcon
You do not get the skills neccessary to get more than one major and one minor familiar
The spell 'call clouds' will summon clouds that will follow you around outdoors only
Waking salts disintigrate over time
The spell 'embrace of gaia' gives +hpr, +physical resistance, and +asphyxiation resistance
The spell 'harmony of nature' gives +epr +wis and +stun_resistance
The different levels of charge (from full to empty) in a focus crystal are:
blinding magenta
intense magenta | shining magenta | bright magenta | light magenta
bright blue | light blue | pale blue
light blue | pale blue | faint blue
pale yellow | faint yellow | feeble yellow
faint white | feeble white
The different sizes of the focus crystal are:
at its maximum
very close from its maximum
quite close from its maximum
about at two thirds of its maximum
about half its maximum
quite far from its maximum
very far from its maximum
extremely far from its maximum
The spell 'magical growth' can create the following three types of plants:
Green - restores the least amount of hunger
Red and green - restores twice as much as the green plants
Brown - restores three times as much as the green ones
Failing any of the herbalist spells destroys one set of ingredients for whatever spell you were trying to make
Failing the spell 'create power crystal' destroys one random gem
Eagle familiar has 100cha and Golden Eagle has 120cha